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The Aloha Lamp(insert) shows the new and only style of shade now available on all KTR Lamps.
(Please Note) The new style of lamp shade shown on EXAMPLES ("Aloha" - "Kilohinani" & "Pohakea") is the only style of lamp shade available with the KTR Lamp collection. Disregard all other style of lamp shades shown. All KTR Lamps come with the new style of lamp shade
The Hoe Waa Lamp is one of the images in the current KTR Lamp collection.
The Hoe Waa Lamp (statue only) is available in Cold Cast Resin Statue
Lamps are subject to Availability ___________________________________________________________________________
"Shipping & Handling Included
Family Owned & Operated
ourhousehawaii@yahoo.com |